4FT Soccer table

Availability: In stock

Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $170.00.


There is nothing better than a Foosball table to keep a party going or to keep grown ups and their little ones entertained during school holidays. Get your hands on your own soccer table. Shopnado has a range of soccer table at the lowest prices. They are easy assemble and built to last. Please see specifications below for more information.



Table size :120*61*81cm,

Table made of MDF with PVC

Colour: laminate.

playing field: 3mm MDF with PVC,

aprons made of 15mm with PVC,

12.7mm diameter steel rod with ABS players 1-2-5-3 team,

12mm MDF with PVC legs with 80mm leg leveller.

Accessory: 2pcs 31mm soccer balls.

Weight 20 kg
Dimensions 125 × 65 × 15 cm


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